New barriers in Texas for Mexican exports


Once again, politics demonstrates the strong impact it has on our lives. A great example is Mexican exports, which have been blocked by the state of Texas due to the high migratory flow from the neighboring country. In view of the first pronouncements of the Mexican carriers, it is denounced that the Texan authorities have restarted operations, placing random checkpoints on the trailers that arrive from Ciudad Juárez, which causes the crossing of other vehicles to be even slower than usual.

Thor Salayandía, coordinator of the Border Business Bloc and National Councilor of the National Chamber of the Transformation Industry, has provided statements on the matter, commenting:

“Last week they found migrants in a trailer box, you could already see it coming. When are they going to remove them (the blockades)? We don’t know, but they are going to hit the industry that is here very hard.”

In addition to these comments, Salayandía also warned about future fines for tardiness or breach of contract that are approaching because of this situation:

“We are talking about each load bringing a value of over 72 thousand dollars. Multiplied by the 450 trailers that were stranded on Saturday, we are talking about more than 32 million dollars stranded in Juárez in a single day.”

These statements were made in a scenario of uncertainty for carriers in Ciudad Juárez and other parts of Mexico that depend largely on binational trade between the two countries, since so far it is not known exactly how many cargo vehicles or containers could not cross into Texas due to the new measures.


Pessimism in the face of the new blockade on Mexican exports

The National Chamber of Freight Transport (Canacar) has given its point of view regarding the blockade of Mexican exports, which has caused the paralysis of some 15,000 trucks that moved about 1,500 million dollars in merchandise. This only adds pessimism to an already conflictive situation, since the organization showed great concern not only about this specific measure, but also about future blockades that could occur after an event that violates the security or sovereignty of Texas.

“The measure has generated a crisis that has resulted in closures, diversions, increases in crossing times and significant reductions in the export volumes of different products from Mexico to the United States,” Canacar said in view of the complications posed by the new policies of the state in the Mexican economy.

For now, the priority seems to be to find a way that can quickly solve the blockade imposed by the Texan authorities to avoid a prolongation of the damage already caused by these random checks on Mexican exports. To have a better context on the importance of this binational market, about 3,500 loads pass daily from Mexico to the United States.






Texas once again blocks Mexican exports due to an increase in the migratory flow. News Focus

Texas once again blocks Mexican exports due to an increase in the migratory flow. SWI

Mexican chamber says border inspection has slowed down export truck traffic. The Logistics World

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